Exploring the Seven Wonders of the World

Exploring the Seven Wonders of the World

Over thousands of years, humanity has been intrigued with the idea of the “Seven Wonders of the World”. These astounding masterpieces stand for peak human achievement and the astonishing beauty of nature. Let us explore history and discover the top seven wonders of the past and today, trying to reveal the nature of these mysteries.

  1. The Great Wall of China

A masterpiece of architecture, 13,000 miles long and running along the rugged Chinese terrain, the Great Wall has become the only surviving of the antiquity’s seven wonders. The roots of this style can be traced to the 7th century BC and it has progressed through numerous dynasties and eras. Mostly, constructed as a defense against invasions, particularly from the nomadic tribes coming from the north, the Wall shows the overall strength, wisdom and engineering ingenuity of the ancient Chinese. The wall is built using different materials, such as brick, stone, tamped earth, and wood. It uses strategically located watchtowers, battlements, and beacon towers along the whole fortification span. Walking along its ramparts, one can join the families of the soldiers throughout the generations tracing the steps that finally lead to understanding the pinnacle of China’s history as a sign of its strength.


  1. The Colosseum, Rome

The colossal Colosseum, an iconic symbol of the power and the culture of the Roman Empire, is a marvel of engineering and entertainment. This monument, constructed in the 1st Century AD by the Flavian Dynasty, was largely used for gladiator fights, animal hunts and public executions, as a form of amusement and political promotion. The Colosseum which could accommodate up to 80,000 people was an incredible architectural feat of its time with lots of complicated features like the hypogeum, elevators, and trapdoors to make the grand performances a success. Nowadays, its well-worn facade provides a glimpse into the bloodthirsty and magnetic reality of ancient Roman banquets, while the restoration works to preserve the place for future generations.


  1. Petra, Jordan

Carved from skillful artisanship and urban planning, Petra, the Rose-Red city, represents a unique masterpiece in Jordan. Established around 300 BC by the Nabataeans, it grew to be a very lively trade center, lying on the caravan routes connecting Arabia, Egypt, and the Mediterranean Sea. The city’s most well-known colorful building, Al-Khazneh, was used as a tomb and ceremonial temple. Its architecture and artistry demonstrate the Nabataeans’ high level of expertise. The Siq or a narrow corridor leading to the city reveals the Treasury to all visitors with its extraordinary architectural techniques, remarkable carving and the smart water distribution system that supports the city in the hot and dry setting.


  1. Chichen Itza, Mexico

Sprawled across the fertile Yucatan Peninsula of Mexico, Chichen Itza was a thriving Mayan city between the 6th and 13th centuries AD. Its major highlight, El Castillo, is the Temple of Kukulcan which is a magnificent step pyramid with astronomical significance and perfect symmetry. During the spring and autumn equinoxes, the setting sun creates the southward shadow of a serpent descending from the sky representing the Mayans’ superior knowledge of the celestial appearances. The Ball Court, having its distinctive acoustics and incredible sculptures of ritualistic games and sacred ceremonies, allows a view of the Mayan civilization’s rich cultural heritage and religious customs.


  1. Machu Picchu, Peru

Hidden behind the Andean mist, Machu Picchu is the symbol of not only the Incas’ architectural skills but also of their deep reverence for nature. Constructed on a mountain ridge in the 15th century AD overlooking the Urubamba River valley, the intricate stone masonry together with its mysterious setting generates a feeling of admiration and awe. Although Machu Picchu served as a royal palace and religious center, agricultural terraces, temples, and residential areas express the expertise of the Inca in engineering, agriculture, and urban planning. The Machu Picchu was discovered in 1911 by Hiram Bingham, and until now it keeps amazing archaeologists and historians, as well as inviting visitors to see the lost world of the Incas and their complex civilization.


  1. Christ the Redeemer, Brazil

The Christ the Redeemer stands atop Corcovado mountain in Rio de Janeiro with its arms spread out as a symbol of peace and hope. Its Art Deco architecture from 1931 flawlessly fits in with the surrounding area, offering spectacular views of the dynamic city as well as the ocean of Guanabara Bay. The statue having a height of 98 feet coming with a 26-foot pedestal is a symbol of Brazil and Christianity that has been attracting millions of visitors every year. A pilgrimage to this famous statue is a truly unforgettable experience, especially if you are a seeker of peace, inspiration and a stunning view of Rio’s picturesque skyline and lush nature.


  1. Taj Mahal, India

The Taj Mahal of Agra, India, is more than a mere monument as it is love embodied in white marble. The Taj Mahal was commissioned by the Mughal emperor Shah Jahan in memory of his wife, Mumtaz Mahal, and it displays the best of the Mughal-era Islamic architecture, with its elegance, symmetry, and lavish ornamentation. This construction took 20 years and included artisans from the entire empire and beyond, the Taj Mahal has a symmetrical plan, decorative marble inlay work, and a clean reflecting pool, which creates an enticing enchantment of light and shadow. Decorated with semi-precious stones and Quranic calligraphy, it is an immortal monument of love that continues to fascinate millions of people from all over the world.

The seven wonders, located in different parts of the globe, are the symbols of human imagination, firmness, and the never-ending search for wisdom and beauty. Each wonder gives us a peek into history, making us feel amazed and inspired, and helping us understand how much humans have accomplished over time.

Top 10 Stunning Waterfalls Around the World

Top 10 Stunning Waterfalls Around the World

Waterfalls, these natural phenomena, have mesmerized humans for decades, attracting people from all over the world to their breathtaking displays of the power and beauty of nature. Here, we discuss the specifics of 10 of the most stunning waterfalls in the world, each one with its own irreplaceable character and natural beauty.

  • Angel Falls (Venezuela)

Angel Falls, standing as the world’s highest unobstructed waterfall at 979 meters (3,212 ft), can be considered a peerless work of nature plummeting off the Auyán-Tepui range in Canaima National Park in Venezuela. The Churún River is responsible for this whole deal since it eventually unites with the Caroní river, which then flows into the Atlantic Ocean, thus making Angel Falls a marvel not only for the eyes but also an integral part of the local hydrological system. Named after Jimmie Angel, an American aviator who first flew over the falls in 1933, Angel Falls is also known locally as “Kerepakupai Merú,” which translates as “waterfall of the deepest place.”

  • Tugela Falls (South Africa)

Located in Royal Natal National Park, South Africa, the Tugela Falls falls from the Drakensberg Escarpment with a height of 948 m (3,110 ft), which makes it take the second largest place in the world among the waterfalls. Along the way, its waters from the Tugela River flow into the Indian Ocean, further improving the ecosystem of the surrounding region. The cultural significance of Tugela Falls is rooted in the Zulu people who have considered the Drakensberg Mountains as sacred and named the falls as “Thukela,” literally meaning “sudden.” The visitors experience the full magic of the falls during the rainy season from November to March.

  • Tres Hermanas Falls (Peru)

In the middle of the Cordillera Escalera mountain range in Peru, Tres Hermanas waterfall is located with 3 falls height of 914 meters (2,999 ft). The falls feed into the Utubamba River which in turn connect to the Amazon River Basin, the main resource for communities and wildlife in the area. The name “Tres Hermanas” characterizes the three parallel streams that run together to form the falls which contribute to its beauty and mystery.


4.Olo’upena Falls (United States)

A 900 meters (2,953 ft) high cliff on the Molokai Island in Hawaii is where the amazing Olo’upena Falls are located. Its isolation amplifies the mystery, being only reachable by helicopter, creates a privileged hanging place. Olo’upena Falls belongs to Halawa Valley, which is related to the Hawaiian culture and history in this place. Therefore, visitors will not only be in front of the natural wonder but also the connection to the island’s cultural heritage.


5.Yumbilla Falls (Peru)

Deep inside Peru’s Cordillera Escalera, there is a Yumbilla Fall that falls down 890 meters (2,920 ft) at the source of the Yumbilla River. As part of the Amazon River basin, its waters are responsible for one of the most biologically diverse regions on the planet, providing habitats to thousands of species of plants and animals. Yumbilla Falls is a component of a series of waterfalls in the region that includes Gocta Falls, the famous waterfall in the Peruvian rainforest, which makes it an attractive destination for nature-seekers.


6.Kela Waterfall (China)

Kela Waterfall being a part of Yunnan Province in China and with the Nu River fueling its unbelievable flow, it stands at a height of 870 meters (2,854 ft) in the middle of a green forest. However, as its waters merge with those of the Salween River, the latter finds itself flowing to the Andaman Sea, and in the process, shaping the scenery and lifestyles. Kela Waterfall is situated in the Gaoligong Mountains which are known for their high biodiversity, housing rare animal species like the Yunnan golden monkey and clouded leopard.


7.Waiʻīanu Falls (United States)

Perched on the beautiful Kauai Island in Hawaii, Waiʻīanu Falls captures the view with its streams falls of 860 meters (2,825 feet), the source being the Hanakāpīʻai Stream. The passage of the stream to the Pacific from the island is a witness of the natural allure of the area and the power of water to change landscapes over time. Waiʻīanu Falls is enveloped in the lush natural surroundings near Kauai’s western coast, Na Pali, and it is one of nature’s greatest wonders for one to see.


8.Mutarazi Falls (Zimbabwe)

Plunging 762 meters (2,500 ft) straight down the Chimanimani Mountains located in Zimbabwe’s Eastern Highlands, the Mutarazi Falls is a majestic natural wonder. Its streams feed the Sabi River system, which in turn sustains a wide variety of ecosystems and communities as well as the Indian Ocean. Mutarazi Falls forms the main attraction in Mutarazi National Park which is a protected area famous for its incomparably rich orchids, rare orchids, endemic bird species, and diverse flora and fauna.


9.Jacobabadal Falls (Suriname)

The surging waters of Jacobabadal Falls plummet 2441 ft into the crevice of Tabiki Creek, which is located within the Sipaliwini Savanna of Suriname. Its flowing waters finally unite with the Corantijn River, extending the underlying prosperity of the Atlantic Ocean. Jacobabadal Falls is found in Tumuc-Humac Mountains, which is known for its unspoiled wilderness and distinct geological landmarks, treating a visitor to the unadulterated Suriname’s ecosystem.


10.Kaieteur Falls (Guyana)

Usually being praised as one of the most scenic water drops on the planet, Kaieteur Falls on the Potaro River in Guyana surpass the 226 meters (741 ft) mark. Its multi-faceted gush over a sandstone cliff into a tranquil pool beneath is proof of the creativity of nature. As a tributary of the Essequibo River, Kaieteur Falls is the main factor in the hydrological cycle in the region that enhances the Atlantic Ocean. Kaieteur falls are part of Kaieteur National Park, a protected area full of exclusive flora and fauna, some of which are as rare as the Guiana cock-of-the-rock and the golden frog.

Although these 10 waterfalls present only a small glimpse into nature’s splendor, the world holds many other falls, each with its own captivating form and undeniable significance. From the impressive Ban Gioc Falls on the Vietnam-China border to the amazingly beautiful Seljalandsfoss Waterfall in Iceland, the beauty and power of waterfalls around the world remind us, time and time again, of the majesty of nature and how everything on our planet is connected.

Top 10 Less-Crowded Cities Around the World

Top 10 Less-Crowded Cities Around the World

The world is full of different cultures and stunning landscapes which always attract tourists with their allure but mostly the challenge is to move through crowds. If you crave authentic experiences and serene exploration, consider venturing beyond the well-trodden path and discovering the charm of these 10 less-crowded cities.


  1. Valletta, Malta

Get yourself immersed in the fantastic history about the Knights of St. John in this fortified city. Get yourself lost in the winding streets decorated with baroque architecture, and absorb the sun’s warmth as you walk along the harbor walls. Alongside historical sights, Valletta also offers a diverse cultural scene that features modern art galleries, open-air performances, and vibrant festivals, which take place throughout the year.


  1. Luang Prabang, Laos

This UNESCO World Heritage Site is a window to the tranquil world of Buddhist monks. Take part in the dawn procession of saffron-robed monks as they go about collecting alms and see how numerous the temples are in every corner of the city. In the name of adventure, kayak down the Mekong river, trek through the surrounding mountains or visit the stunning Kuang Si Falls, the pièce de résistance in a cascading marvel surrounded by abundant jungle.


  1. Asunción, Paraguay

Get acquainted with the rich culture and colonial heritage of Paraguay in Asuncion, its capital. Stroll through the Palacio de López, attend the vibrant Mercado Central, and witness the fiery dynamism of a local football (soccer) game. Asunción has an interesting variety of green areas as well, including the Botanical Gardens and the Independence Park, which are great options for a break from the city hustle and a chance to relax by having a lunch picnic.


  1. Ljubljana, Slovenia

The Julian Alps housing the exciting mix of nature and city life definitely belong to Ljubljana. Walk along the Ljubljanica Riverbank, immerse yourself in the Vibrant Central Market, and go on a day tour to the 14th-century Predjama Castle which is literally a cave castle. If you need some thrill, go for a hike or bike through the park of Tivol, or try a boat cruise on Lake Bled, a beautiful glacial lake surrounded by mountains and a famous church on an island.


  1. Marrakesh, Morocco

Take a dip into the colorful Medina: a buzzing, multi-level maze filled with spices, clothes, and crafted jewelry and more. Don’t lose an opportunity to become a partaker of the tranquility of a conventional hammam (bathhouse). Leave the noisy Medina to discover the Stunning-Bahia Palace, a Moroccan architectural masterpiece or even take a break with the majestic and colorful Majorelle Garden which was designed by the French painter Jacques Majorelle.


  1. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

The glamorous city of Kuala Lumpur has both skyscraping buildings such as the Petronas Twin Towers and older sites of history, such as the Sultan Abdul Samad Building. Find the exciting street food, and  experience the rich cultural mosaic of Southeast Asian metropolis. Opt-out of the city center and journey to explore the Batu Caves, a complex Hindu cave temple, on your way to the top by climbing 272 stairs decorated with colors, or visit the Perdana Botanical Gardens, a peaceful sanctuary showcasing a plethora of plants.


  1. Tallinn, Estonia

Step into the past in the fairy-tale medieval Old Town of Tallinn which is a UNESCO Bronze Age Site. Wander the stone-paved streets offered with multicolored structures, go to the stately Toompea Castle, and have a relaxed walk in the tranquil Kadriorg Park. If you want something extraordinary, check out the Lennusadam Maritime Museum, which is held in an old seaplane hangar. Go and spend a day on the island of Naissaar too, a car-free paradise with some of the finest beaches and historical landmarks.


  1. Winnipeg, Canada

Sample the warm Midwestern hospitality in Winnipeg called the “Gateway to the West.” Walk through the historical Forks National Historic Site, a meeting place for Indigenous peoples in the past, with many museums, shops and restaurants now. Take a walk on the Assiniboine River, and enjoy the diversity of the arts and culture in the city, by visiting numerous museums, theaters, and the ballet.


  1. Lecce, Italy

Find a difference in southern Italy by going to Lecce, also known as the “South Florence”. Enjoy the detailed Baroque architecture, especially the Lecce Cathedral, stroll along the picturesque squares like Piazza Sant’Oronzo and taste the regional cuisine, such as fresh seafood and orecchiette pasta. Beyond city, you can also get to Salento Peninsula, a well-known place with beautiful beaches, typical villages, and colorful festivals.


  1. Ushuaia, Argentina

Referred to as “The End of the World”, Ushuaia provides a special access to the spectacular nature of Tierra del Fuego National Park. Trek through rocky mountains, cruise the Beagle Channel, and enjoy a variety of fauna such as penguins and sea lions. For an adventure that will surpass your wildest imagination, walk to Antarctica, the coldest, windiest, and driest continent and behold its incredible glaciers and special wildlife.

Let this list be a launchpad for your global venture. The sheer number of undiscovered nuggets is amazing, with each one presenting an opportunity to get out of the usual tourist path, bond with the local people and create memories that will last forever. Well, take your bags, throw caution in the wind, and go on a trip to see the beauty of these underrated places.

Essential Hacks for Thriving in Bustling Cities

Essential Hacks for Thriving in Bustling Cities

Metropolises with breathtakingly popular colors are everywhere. These places deliver you to a world where the composition of cultural experiences, historical objects of interest, and exciting activities will make you want to discover more. The fact is that these urban jungles often present newcomers with the sensation of ‘being lost in a maze.’ Fear not, intrepid explorer! These simple hacks will help you to not only survive but to flourish in the midst of the urban hustle and bustle.


  1. The Foundation For Urban Exploration

Pack Light, Travel Far

Most importantly, do not let the urge to overpack that prevail over you. Choose clothing items that can be easily mixed and matched with other pieces to create a variety of outfits while packing fewer clothes. Try doing your laundry during your stay. It will help you to carry only a few essential items. For example, rolling clothes provides the same level of space and prevents clothes from getting wrinkles, so you remain neat and crisp.


Offline Is Your Friend

Download offline maps, translation apps, and other fundamental travel info before you embark on your journey. It makes sure you have an opportunity to use necessary resources despite the instability of the Internet, enabling navigation as well as easy communication when far from home.


Public Transport Pro

Make sure to study well the city’s public transport system before your trip. Take on travel passes for convenient and cheap trips. Take into account that most of the time you end up viewing the city in a similar way to locals, which will help you better comprehend the urban layering and connect you with the local fabric.


Embrace Local Experiences

Avoid tourist traps and act like a real deal. Inquire from your hotel staff as well as from fellow travelers and even friendly locals regarding the shortcuts to secret hideaways and experiences that are not commonly explored. This happens by combining the noticeable highlights and outstanding features of the location into a well-personalized and unforgettable travel itinerary.


  1. Breathe the Local Air, Feel Like a Native

Travel Against The Grain

Avoid high season and consider traveling in the off-season and on weekdays. Doing this will not only lower the number of people you encounter at popular attractions but also will reduce the accommodation costs, hence, allowing you to make use of your travel budget for different activities.


Early Bird Gets The View

Beat the crowds by arriving at the place of tourist attraction early in the morning. Besides the fact that you will meet fewer people, it will also give you a chance to explore the place in a calmer atmosphere where you can focus on the sights and sounds and be able to enjoy them without being disturbed by the crowds of visitors.


Alternative Viewpoints

Bypass lengthy queues for your favorite landmarks and check out obscure lookouts or nearby roof terraces. These usually offer amazing city views and specific perspectives that are without the crowd. You might accidentally discover there, hidden gems or cozy local bistros with rooftop patios, delivering a pleasant gap from the fast-paced streets.


Walk This Way

Try free or pay-what-you-wish walking tours. Aside from the fascinating perspectives and historical bits these tours provide, they often also take you down less crowded streets, thus enabling you to explore the city in a relaxed mood while discovering some niches and local shops you wouldn’t otherwise notice. Besides the knowledgeable local guides versus the tourist masses, you will be overwhelmed with rich insights about this city, and you will have a good time there.


  1. Road Map of Key Points on Urban Wayfinding

Stay Connected, Stay Safe

Buy yourself a reliable and portable charger to keep your phone charged up to enable you to navigate, communicate, and capture those memorable travel moments. If you do not have an internet connection, download offline language packs for your translation app to be sure you can still communicate properly. With this, you can ask for directions, make recommendations, and more importantly begin to cultivate a feeling of independence and security.


Safety First

Pay attention to your personal things, especially in crowded places. Keep your valuable belongings in a safe and do not carry large sums of money. Know the local emergency numbers and keep them on your phone under the contacts so that you may access them in case of any emergency. What is important is to keep in mind that staying alert and having a keen sense of the surroundings will be very helpful on your journey.


A Few Words Go a Long Way

Learn some basic phrases in that language. While challenges of communication can be present, a simple “hello,” “thank you,” or “excuse me” can help in the process of overcoming such barriers. It is also a way of reciprocity and respecting their culture, thus leading to deeper and more genuine relationships that increase your understanding of the city’s people and local culture.


Hydration Is Key

Bring a reusable water bottle with you to ensure that you drink enough water and save money by not buying bottled water. This not only helps to save the environment but also keeps you energetic while you discover the city walking, which enables you to be attentive and fresh while you roam the busy streets of the city.


Memorable Events Are Waiting Just Around The Corner In Your Plans

Understand that the most rewarding travel moments might well be those times when the plans are not set and contingencies arise. Are you open to new adventures? Keep the talk going with the locals, and be prepared to enjoy the city’s rhythm like nobody else in the world. Plunge into the heart of the city’s markets, visit obscure streets, and allow yourself to imbibe all that the city has to offer.

A Deeper Look at Australia’s Transportation Hubs

A Deeper Look at Australia’s Transportation Hubs

Australia is a country known for its huge size and diverse terrain and a transport system of its own size and complexity is vital to provide connectivity between major cities, regional areas, and international destinations. This network is distributed across numerous hubs, busy airports, and major railway stations, each of the constituting parts having its own role in the smooth movement of people and goods.


Major Hubs


  1. Sydney

A vibrant city, the beating heart of Sydney is both the most populous city in the country and the largest transport center. The Sydney Harbour (UNESCO World Heritage Site), one of the wonders of nature, has changed to become a base for maritime trade and has been made famous by iconic landmarks such as the Opera House and Harbour Bridge. Sydney Kingsford Smith International Airport (Sydney Airport) is the busiest airport in the country due to its capacity to serve not only domestic flights but also international ones. Sydney Central Station, the biggest and the busiest railway station in Australia provides the connection to both regional as well as suburban destinations and serves as a concurrent point of public transport within the city.


  1. Melbourne

Home to the capital of Victoria, Melbourne is a city that has its own cultural rhythm and represents one of the major transportation centers for the region. Melbourne Airport, which is actually the second busiest in the country, offers a plethora of domestic flights and even connects with major international destinations, thus being recognized as the main entry point. Southern Cross Station, which is the biggest station in the inner Melbourne area network, links to regional Victoria as well as some other states, which prevents disconnectedness when it comes to people movement and goods, both within the capital and around the region.


  1. Brisbane

The Queensland capital city of Brisbane is the most important hub on the eastern seaboard. Brisbane Airport does not only cater to domestic but also international flights, serving as a major connector for Australian travelers and those farther away. As the main railway station, Roma Street Station is the principal passenger terminal for Queensland Rail. Thereby, it allows Brisbane to have access to different local and off-state trip destinations that also result in more tourist visits and economic growth.


The Network of Airports and Railway Stations

Major airports and railway hubs are the Australian transport system pillars and they provide critical links between different regions with an international trip.




  1. Perth Airport (Perth)

As the main gateway to Western Australia, Perth Airport handles much of the domestic traffic and links with major international destinations, primarily in Asia.


  1. Adelaide Airport (Adelaide)

As far as South Australia is concerned, Adelaide Airport takes care of domestic flights and international connections, which is a vital part of the communication line for business and holiday travelers.


  1. Cairns Airport (Cairns)

Cairns Airport, being situated at the doorstep of the Great Barrier Reef, is one of the most important ways to tourism in Far North Queensland, meeting both domestic and international tourists who come here to visit the natural attractions of the area.


  1. Darwin International Airport (Darwin)

Located in the Northern Territory, the Darwin International Airport functions as a major hub for travel to South East Asia and beyond playing a very crucial part in the economic development of the region.


Railway Stations: Streams of Communication

Railway stations, not only the main hubs, are the fundamental elements in linking smaller towns and regional centers by serving as the real arteries of regional development and this gives rise to a sense of commonness in the community.


  1. Flinders Street Station (Melbourne)

Though it is not the largest in the city, Flinders Street Station is still an iconic building and a busy passenger terminal, which operates suburban and regional services in Victoria. The building’s ornamental frontage and central location have made it a popular destination among tourists and one of the symbols of the city’s cultural heritage.


  1. Adelaide Railway Station (Adelaide)

Situated in the heart of Adelaide, Railway Station Adelaide helps in the transportation of local South Australians and also for longer journeys to other states. Its magnificent architecture showcases the depiction of the city’s colonial past and also indicates the role played by railways in building current Australia.


  1. Central Station (Perth)

As the premier passenger hub for Transwa in the CBD of Perth, Central Station is the main entrance door to the regional destinations of Western Australia. The modernized design symbolizes the city’s dynamic future and the need for sustainable modes of commuting.


The Future of Transportation in Australia

With Australia being continuously developed and having each day more of its population, the transport system will be inevitably amended and adjusted to the recent requirements of its diverse society. This implementation may involve technology, like high-speed rail, and adoption of the sustainable transportation choices. Whether the changes happen to be major hubs, airports, or railway stations, these will be the mainstay of Australia’s transport infrastructure that will ensure the people of the country are connected.

Exploring India’s History: A Journey Through Time and Wonders

Exploring India’s History: A Journey Through Time and Wonders

India, which is a land where old myths rub elbows with contemporary life, whispers to the ears of the tourists with its rich tapestry of history, culture, and fascinating sceneries. Every place seems to murmur secrets of its glorious past, patiently waiting to be uncovered. undefined


Delhi: Where Empires Collide

Commence in Delhi, a mini-India for you. Feel like being amazed by the Red Fort, the fortress of Mughal emperors, listening to the echoes of their enunciations within its towering walls. Get lost into the winding alleys of Chandni Chowk, which is a centuries old market place, where the intoxicating smell of spices intertwines with the cries of the vendors. A visit to Raj Ghat pays respect to Mahatma Gandhi, whose non-violent spirit continues to impact, and the Changing of The Guard ceremony at the magnificent Rashtrapati Bhavan demonstrates contemporary India’s majesticness.


Agra: Gestures of Eternal Love

Every journey to India fails to achieve its completion without seeing the Taj Mahal, an epitaph in white marble written with Shah Jahan’s unbroken longing for his beloved wife Mumtaz Mahal. This architectural marvel is a palate of time, it’s intricate carvings and delicate inlay work leaving you speechless. Delve into the Agra Fort nearby, a Mughal signature design, a fort where the sandstone tells tales of both the battles won and the court games.



Jaipur: Where Royalty Is Met with the Rajasthani Style.

Get submerged in the grandeur of the Pink City of Jaipur, awashed with a warm sympathetic color. Take a guided elephant ride to Amber Fort, a magnificent sentinel which stands atop a rugged hill, and imagine the splendid royal processions that would have passed through its courtyards. The Hawa Mahal, a beautiful structure with numerous windows, creates the image of the women wearing the veils watching the lively streets below. The City Palace that is the perfect example of Mughal and Rajput architecture is a must-see. And, stroll around the bustling and colorful markets where you can find beautiful textiles and handmade souvenirs.


Hampi: Ruins which Yells on its Own

Go back to the glorious days of Vijayanagara Empire at Hampi, which is a UNESCO World Heritage Site where history comes out of the pages. Wander amongst the sprawling ruins of temples, palaces, and marketplaces, with each stone carrying tales from an ancient era. Mesmerize at the delicate carvings on the Vittala temple chariot, an epitome of stone craftsmanship, and ascend the royal Hazara Rama temple complex, the epitome of the golden glow of the setting sun which offers a panoramic view of the ruins.


Kerala: Where the Elbow Meets the Peace

Spend time winding down on the serene canals of Kerala, a place where jade waters flow through thick forests. Float on an ancient houseboat while taking in the tranquility of palm trees whispering in the wind and picturesque villages. Discover the bustling spice markets of Kochi, scented with the heavy spices of cardamom, cloves, and pepper. Discover the wealthy history of Fort Kochi, a Portuguese enclave decorated with buildings of the colonial period. Watch the magical Kathakali dance performances, a display of the rich traditions of Kerala, where the actors in colorful costumes and elaborate headgear comic acts.


Varanasi: A City with a Spiritual Identity.

Experience the heart-warming activities of Varanasi, which is the holy city of Hinduism. See the sunrise ceremony on the Ganges which attracts tens of thousands to get the first rays of light and paint the water gold in it. Wander the narrow alley ways, laden with ancient temples each a symbol of years of reverence. View the magical setting of the evening aarti, a beautiful ceremony with chanting and fire that rocks the air with a magical and otherworldly energy. Be bewitched by the burnt pyres on the ghats – an example of continuity as this has been a witness to the cycle of life and death over the past millennia.


Madhya Pradesh: At the Intersection of Empires and Caves

Delve into the core of India, to Madhya Pradesh, a region where the echoes of old empires and the voices of spirituality are seamlessly intertwined. Let yourself be intimidated by The Khajuraho Group of Monuments, a UNESCO World Heritage Site adorned with detailed carvings presenting the stories of love, valor, and religious devotion. Be amazed at the size of the Kandariya Mahadeva Temple which is the Chandela architecture masterpiece, and visualize the skillful craftsmen who carved those elaborate details. Tread into the labyrinths of Ajanta and Ellora caves where Buddhist, Hindu, and Jain Gods emerge from the walls, narrating spells of faith and fine art, as timeless as they are. See the ancient city of Sanchi, where the grand Sanchi Stupa, the oldest Buddhist monument in India, give an evidence of local spiritual wealth.


Andaman and Nicobar Islands: Eden Unearthed

Take a break to the unspoilt heaven of the Andaman and Nicobar Islands, where the turquoise waters kiss the white sand beaches and lush green forests are filled with rare species of animals. Explore the dynamic heritage of Port Blair as it presents to you the colonial-era structures such as the Cellular Jail in all its starkness and picturesqueness. Visit the Jarawa and Onge indigenous tribes` tribal villages, and learn about their culture and their way of life that is in harmony with nature. Plunge into the sparkling blue waters and be amazed by the richness and diversity of marine life, from coral reefs brimming with vivid fishes to large manta rays seemingly floating in the waters. Discover your own paradise in this undisturbed archipelago where history is heard through palm leaves rustling and where the largest ocean has it’s own mysterious secrets.

These are only some among the countless historical treasures to be unearthed in India. Therefore, let your curiosity take you on a wonderful journey of discovery and where the past speaks in every nook and cranny. From the golden dunes of Rajasthan which are the home to several magnificent forts that were once on the old trade routes, to the green hills of Munnar, where tea plantations cover the whole landscape, every region has its own mix of the past and present. Spend time admiring the architectural wonders of Khajuraho, immerse yourself in the Buddhist sites in Sarnath and Bodh Gaya, or get lost in the colonial touch of Pondicherry and Goa.

So, get ready, liberate your inner wanderer and dive into the ultimate India adventure. Recall, its remarkable history is as multi-hued and engaging as the landscape which has so many tales to tell, waiting to be found by enquiring minds and warmed hearts.