Visit the Tutankhamun & the Golden Age of the Pharaohs Exhibition

Visit the Tutankhamun & the Golden Age of the Pharaohs Exhibition

Seize the opportunity to get as close as you can outside of Egypt to Tutankhamun, the ‘image of the living god,’ by visiting the touring exhibition.

The mystery and speculation surrounding the short life of Egypt’s famous boy-king, Tutankhamun, is one that many of my generations have enjoyed learning about. TUTANKHAMUN AND THE PHAROS AGE However, it is currently in Melbourne, Australia, which is the tour’s final stop before heading back to Egypt after November 2018.

The exhibition is potentially a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to see the relics of the most famous archaeological discovery in history. Take the audio tour for more information than what is posted on the exhibits. And do not miss the Egypt 3D movie, which is filled with additional information that helps place the exhibition in a historical context.

Once in a Lifetime Opportunity to see Egypt’s Treasures Outside of Egypt.

Almost everyone has heard of King Tutankhamun and the extraordinary discovery of his tomb by Howard Carter in 1922. Melbourne is the last stop of the touring Tutankhamun and the Golden Age of the Pharaohs Exhibition, so it is the final opportunity to see the artifacts from this incredible archaeological find.


The exhibit is well executed. The mystery surrounding the boy king’s short life and death translates well with darkened rooms and spotlighted presentations designed to emulate the atmosphere of discovery and reverence. In addition, large black and white wall photos of the original resting places of many of the artifacts help to place them in context.

The final of nine rooms that house the exhibition displays the artifacts found on Tutankhamun’s body. An inlaid floor display conveys the size of the nested coffins and caskets that housed Tutankhamun’s mummy. It helps one to understand how his mummy was able to remain undisturbed for so long.

Outside of the exhibition, a replica of his preserved body accompanies information about the procedures to extract DNA and other scientific discoveries that infer information about his state of health in life and the likely causes of his death.

Opt for the Audio Tour of the Tutankhamun Exhibition for Additional Information

If you are like me and absorb information better when spoken, instead of having to read it, then the audio tour will suit you perfectly. The audio tour provides additional details to 21 of the 130 artifacts. The audio hardware is on a cord, so you can hang it around your neck when you are not using it.

Narrated by Egyptian-born actor Omar Sharif, the information is both authoritative and entertaining. While he includes the same information as the descriptions on the exhibits, he gives a more significant explanation of the context with more information designed to fill out the historical and cultural significance of the artifacts.

View the Egypt 3D Movie Before Viewing the Tutankhamun Exhibition

Not included in the leading exhibition is the Egypt 3D movie. Therefore, it is an additional cost to the collection. Still, it provides an excellent preview and setting to appreciate better the historical significance of the treasures you are about to view in the top show.

The movie centers on the 1881 discovery of the final resting place of twelve of Egypt’s pharaohs. Hidden far from where was previously believed to be their last resting places, the coffins had been transferred to unmarked caverns deep underground to evade pillaging grave robbers. The film is an excellent prequel to the 1922 tomb discovery. The exhibition fills up the blanks.

The Golden Age of the Pharaohs

For those who have never been to Egypt but have always wanted to visit, an exciting method to tap into the enthusiasm and real-life mystery of one of Egypt’s most significant legacies. But, of course, it is not every day that one gets to stand right next to the coffin of a pharaoh or to gaze upon the golden treasures of a culture so the old one can hardly comprehend. Nonetheless, Tutankhamun and the Golden Age of the Pharaohs is a must-see show.

Different Airline Reactions to Volcanic Ash Disruptions

Different Airline Reactions to Volcanic Ash Disruptions

To fly or not to fly? Why do some airlines deem it safe to fly while others stay grounded during volcanic ash cloud disruptions?

In June 2017, the volcanic ash clouds from the eruption of Chile’s Mt Puyehue Cordon Caulle volcano disrupted the travel plans of thousands of travelers. In addition, they ground hundreds of flights in Australia and New Zealand. While no one blames the airlines for this event, confusion emerged when some airlines such as Air New Zealand and Emirates continued to operate while others like Qantas and Jet Star stayed grounded.

For those airlines that remained grounded, were they playing it safe? And if one airline continues to fly, does that mean it is taking risks? Can an airline fly safely under or around an ash cloud, and if yes, why not all airlines? And why does one airline provide accommodation for affected travelers while others don’t?

Grounding Flights During Volcanic Ash Clouds

Something is comforting about your flight being grounded due to volcanic ash clouds in the flight path. Make no mistake. It is inconvenient, but if the recent coverage of the thousands of passengers stranded around Australian and New Zealand airports showed anything, it was overall, travelers understood.

The confusion only began to arise when travelers learned that some airlines continued to fly while others remained grounded. Qantas insisted that company safety standards dictated that where there was the known existence of any volcanic ash in or around a flight path, their flights would not operate. Moreover, because the information available to them could not determine any measure of the ash density, they would not be flying.

This satisfied travelers for the first couple of days but once the grounding of flights was leading into the fourth and fifth day, and other airlines such as Air New Zealand and Emirates continued to operate without any aircraft falling out of the sky, the tide of understanding began to turn against Qantas. Qantas travelers demanded to be transferred to other airlines. I was one of them.

What is the Risk of Flying Under or Around Volcanic Ash Plumes?

One must believe that an airline will not fly if there is any uncertainty about safety. It is a morbid thought, but with each passing day that I was delayed due to the volcanic ash cloud, I was heartened that Air New Zealand and Emirates were continuing to fly without any of the airplanes falling out of the sky.

Air New Zealand insisted that they could see where the ash cloud lay. Therefore, they could safely fly at lower altitudes beneath the ash cloud and skirt around the outside as deemed necessary. Of course, more fuel would be required because the journey takes longer at lower altitudes. Yet as seats were snapped up and flights were taking off without a single spare seat, I do not doubt that they recouped any additional fuel costs.

All the while, rumors started to circulate about why Qantas refused to operate their aircraft. Maybe they didn’t want to pay more for petrol. If this was false, it was understandable. In the last twelve months, Qantas has given redundancy to hundreds of cabin crew and senior-level management. In addition, it has struggled to claw itself into a better state of financial health.

In the past year, the airline has also been plagued by a string of bad press ranging from parts of its new Airbus A380 coming loose in flight, tires bursting on arrival, dramatic losses in cabin pressure causing injury, and continued staffing strikes. So it is no wonder that the airline did not want to enter into any situation that could be misconstrued as unsafe.

Communication with and Alternative Arrangements for Disrupted Travellers

When a natural event disrupts travelers on this volcanic event’s scale, the accurate measure of an airline’s contingency processes is rigorously tested. It also reminds travelers of some fundamental home truths when flying.

All airlines seek to give as much notice of disruptions to travelers as quickly as possible. But they need the traveler’s contact information to do so. Therefore, when you make a flight booking, you advise the airline of your mobile phone number and frequent flyer number. For example, duringWe were phoned and texted by Qantas during this disruption to notify of delays.

In the event of a weather disruption out of the airline’s control, it is not the airline’s responsibility to find accommodation for travelers. A few airlines will see it as a gesture of goodwill. However, it is unreasonable to expect an airline to accommodate thousands of disrupted travelers for an indefinite time due to an event beyond their control.

An event such as this is a timely reminder of why travelers should never travel without travel insurance. Travel insurance should always be factored into the cost of travel. My travel insurance for this trip saved us thousands of dollars in additional flights and accommodation.

Volcanic Ash Disruptions to Air Travellers

The grounding of flights in Australia and New Zealand during the recent Chilean volcano ash plume was controversial. Qantas played it safe but will have suffered for it financially to the tune of reportedly AUD21 million. However, air New Zealand modified its aircraft patterns, minimized disturbance, and emerged victorious on the day.

Hate Flight Check-in? Using Delta’s App

Hate Flight Check-in? Using Delta’s App

Flying Delta is now an application in mobile. Checking in for flights from Salt Lake City and other cities is now available on most web-enabled cell phones.

I received a Delta email a few weeks ago. I assumed it was an update on my travel itinerary to Hawaii. I was excited to go on my first real vacation in a few years, and I was secretly hoping to read that I was generously upgraded to first class. I was not, unfortunately, elevated, but I was invited to download a Delta application for my mobile phone. The email informed me that the application would allow me to keep track of my frequent flyer miles, check for flight status updates, and check-in for my upcoming flights. The email even promised to add 1,000 miles to my account to download and use the application, so I decided to try it.

Check-in was a breeze.

Before leaving for my flight, I checked Delta’s Mobile Check-in instructions. I checked in to my flight from Salt Lake City to Las Vegas on my cell phone, downloaded my boarding pass, and proceeded through TSA. I wasn’t sure what to do when I approached the security agent, so I handed him my phone and driver’s license. He verified my information and then instructed me how to scan my phone under their electronic device. Getting through the first checkpoint was hassle-free.

As it came time to board the airplane, I showed my phone to the agent at the gate. She helped me scan my phone. There wasn’t anybody behind me, so I asked the agent how many people use this E-boarding Pass. She said she sees maybe ten passengers use smartphones to check-in and download their boarding passes a day. So I was the first passenger to use my phone as a boarding pass for the day.

Check-in from Las Vegas to Los Angeles—yes, I had many connecting flights in this boarding pass experiment—was just as smooth. Unfortunately, when it came time to board for my flight from Los Angeles to Honolulu, I could not log in to the application. After a minor panic attack, I wondered if I would be stuck in the airport and not be able to continue to my vacation destination. I got in a long line to talk with a ticketing agent, but then it dawned on me—my frequent flyer number is listed on the application’s login screen. I could quickly go to any one of the ticket kiosks, type in my number, and print out a paper ticket for my flight. The issue was resolved in a flash.

E-boarding Pass 

As it turns out, the boarding Pass is currently available in approximately 70 airports serviced by Delta Airlines. Passengers who choose to use their smartphones for their travels would be wise to check Delta’s website before checking in through their phone. Another downside of this service is the cell phone reception and service availability at different destinations, but Delta continues to have traditional check-in desks and kiosks at all airports.

The boarding pass is available on most web-enabled phones and PDAs through the following service providers: AT&T, Alltel, Sprint, T-Mobile, and Verizon within the United States. In addition, applications can be downloaded to many Android and iPhone smartphones. Unfortunately, I haven’t received my 1,000 frequent flyer mile bonus for downloading and using the application yet, but I hope to see it added to my account soon.

Purchase Travel Insurance Before Your Next Vacation

Purchase Travel Insurance Before Your Next Vacation

Travel insurance is a must-have nowadays. The insurance will cover canceled trips and flights and medical help if you are injured.

Why not ensure your trips like your house, vehicle, and health? Unfortunately, there are stories of those on vacation who find themselves without a holiday because the flights were canceled or the hotel canceled your reservation, or worse, lost your reservation. Every day, luggage gets misplaced, and it is increasingly becoming the norm.

Things happen while on vacation, and there is nothing anyone can do about that, but there are ways to make the adverse events more palpable. Even the worst vacation stories will probably not make you cancel your vacation. Travelers have been spared the drastic effects of a vacation snafu, allowing them to return home and regale their family and friends with tales of a break interrupted.

Travel insurance will save the day by ensuring the traveler for insurable events before or during a vacation. For example, you are covered if your holiday is canceled or interrupted. Your baggage is protected if lost or stolen. If you incur medical expenses, including hospitalization, you are covered, but only if insured.

Choosing the Right Travel Insurance for You

No one travel insurance policy will cover every little detail of the vacation, but it will cover loss due to trip cancellation either before or during the trip. It will cover the loss or damage of personal property or loss or damage of rental vehicles, cancellation of hotels and flights, and other travel alternatives. Travel insurance will also cover medical care and hospitalization, and evacuation in case of severe illness or injury. Make sure you check out the travel insurance plans carefully and thoroughly.

Before choosing your travel insurance package, list where you are going and what you will do when you get there. For example, you might not need anything in the heavy-handed hospitalization area if you are a typical sight-seer. On the other hand, if you are skiing or skydiving, your travel insurance includes hospitalization and emergency rooms. You may find out that country status might void your health insurance coverage, and having access to medical care while on vacation is essential.

If you are visiting an area of the world where strife might flare up, and it will be in your best interest to evacuate, you will be lucky to have travel insurance to help you do that. Otherwise, you may hurry to take refuge in the local embassy, canceling all of your enjoyable plans.

The Cost of Travel Insurance

The cost of travel insurance varies, the person’s age to be insured, the length of stay, the destination, and any preexisting medical conditions you may have. The more that is covered, the more costly the policy will be.

A comprehensive plan is usually available, and one most travelers seem to take. It covers the most unexpected events that could ever take place. You will have adequate health coverage and a variety of related travel coverage.

A medical plan covers health-related incidents such as accidents and illness. It is a favorite of those who do a lot of hiking or cross country skiing or related physical activity.

Domestic coverage is suitable for those who are not traveling beyond the country’s borders.

Travel Insurance Tips, Tricks, and Hints

Travel Insurance Tips, Tricks, and Hints

Travel insurance is advised before a vacation. The chance of the traveler experiencing difficulties is more significant than you think.

Acquire travel insurance straight from a provider. Additionally, some premium credit cards provide travel insurance that may be appropriate for your situation. Buy in person, via phone, or online. If you often travel, you may have a standing travel insurance package set up with your travel insurance specialist, or you may buy a package that covers all trips during the year or a specified time frame.

If you opt to buy travel insurance through a premium credit card, check the terms and conditions carefully for any limitations placed on travel. You may also be required to pay for your trip with that credit card to take advantage of the travel insurance. However, some premium credit card travel insurance programs are free. In contrast, others may charge a minimal fee for the coverage, which could be less costly than an independent travel insurance package.

Make sure the coverage offered fits your trip entirely and will cover any elements undertaken during the trip. For example, if you are going on a skiing or skydiving vacation, the coverage should include hospitalization and death benefits.

Checklist for Travel Insurance

Ensuring your health is critical while traveling. If you are abroad, your health insurance may not cover any health-related issues, even if it is persistent. If your health care covers health-related matters while on vacation, it may only cover certain aspects of a certain level of expense. The best travel plan will include unlimited medical coverage no matter where you travel.

Before choosing travel insurance, understand what you are covered for and what coverage does not include. The details of the plan are always available in a disclosure brochure. The information can be requested from the travel agent insurance provider or found online. Read the material attentively and comprehend the strategy.

The travel insurance plan must cover the events you will participate in or encounter while away. For example, if you embark on a skiing or bungee jumping vacation, make sure plenty of hospitalization is included, especially evacuation and transport back home for medical care or with medical attendants if necessary.

Check the travel insurance plan if there is coverage for weather or environmental-related events and the necessity to leave that country immediately. For example, if you are visiting a country where strife and unrest break out, is there a plan and coverage to allow you to leave the country and seek a haven before continuing home?

In addition to health care coverage, you want your travel insurance plan to cover the cost of a canceled trip in whole or in part. The point of insurance is to prevent the trip from costing money and not being able to take advantage of it. Other things to make sure are covered canceled flights, lost or damaged luggage, alternate transportation, and housing. Travel insurance usually does not cover travel expenses incurred if you cancel or revise the travel plans for no apparent reason.

Other Travel Insurance Coverage

Some travel insurance plans cover car rentals in case of an accident, mechanical failure, or personal property theft from the vehicle. The coverage may also include a car you hire consisting of a driver and a rental you drive yourself. If you utilize a car for many of your trips, be sure the vehicle is covered somewhere in your travel plans.

Three Ways to Prepare for an Overseas Vacation

Three Ways to Prepare for an Overseas Vacation

Preparing for an overseas vacation takes planning. Divide your plan into tasks that need to be done months, weeks, and days before departure.

The success or failure of a much-anticipated vacation can lie in the details of the planning, that is. From deciding where to go through to finally getting on the airplane, many arrangements must be made. Make the process less arduous by dividing these arrangements into tasks to be tackled months, weeks, and days in advance of travel.

Planning for a Vacation Months in Advance

The decisions to be made as far in advance as possible are the ones that are going to cost you the most. These include airfares, hotel bookings, travel insurance, and travel visas.

Booking months in advance usually results in lower airfare. For example, in New Zealand, Earlybird deals for long haul travel generally come out three to four months in advance of peak travel periods. Once you’ve purchased your airfare, remember to submit any seating or meal requests to the airline.

Similarly, hotels prefer to have their rooms booked as far in advance. Therefore, you are likely to have more hotels and deals to choose from when booking months in advance.

While last-minute deals on airfares and accommodation are standard, their chances of being applicable and available on your specific dates are rare. Traveling with a family or just at certain times of the year, booking ahead is more likely to save you money than booking at the last minute.

As soon as you have paid for airfares and accommodation, you should also purchase your travel insurance. Travel insurance should be purchased simultaneously as your big-ticket items so that you will be covered immediately against cancellation penalties if any unforeseen circumstances arise that may delay or cancel your travel plans.

You should also investigate if travel visas are required and, at the same time, ensure that your passport is valid for travel to your particular destination. This is because travel visas and passports can take a long time to process, especially if the embassy or passport office is overseas.

Planning for a Vacation Weeks in Advance

Planning what to do when you are away and what to take should be done weeks in advance. It is so that any dentist and doctor’s appointments can be tidied away, especially if you need to renew prescriptions or get vaccinations. These are usually tasks that require a few weeks’ planning.

Booking house sitters or kennels and catteries for pets often need to be made weeks, if not months, ahead of travel. Booking car parks at the airport or booking a shuttle to take you to the airport should also be squared away weeks in advance.

Once you’ve decided where you are going on vacation, the fun part is planning what you will do when you are away. First, you can buy a brand new travel guide; although be warned, they can be costly. Alternatively, bid on used travel guides on online auction sites. If you start looking a few weeks in advance, you should be able to get a recent one at a reasonable price or take advantage of book sales. You can even download special travel guide applications to your Apple iPhone for a fraction of the cost of paper guides.

Creating a packing list a few weeks in advance will be helpful, so when you discover that you need a new bikini, you will have sufficient time to save for one or search for the ever-elusive perfect one.

A packing list will also help identify anything that needs to be purchased, such as power adaptors, a new book, earplugs, or noise-canceling headphones for the flight.

Planning for a Vacation Days in Advance

The only tasks that remain to be done in the days leading up to your vacation should not rely on supply. For example, don’t put off buying anything till the last minute. Likewise, the only things that should be done in the days leading up to your travel are charging any electronic devices you are taking, doing your laundry, and suspending paper deliveries.

Foreign currency can be purchased anytime, ideally when you think you will get the best exchange rate. I hate having money lying around the home, so I generally only buy currency in the days leading up to my travel. However, don’t leave it until the last day because it may not always be available at your chosen supplier or even at the airport if they have had a run on that particular currency.

Similarly, if you are relying on your credit card as the primary source of funds, ensure that you have transferred funds to it days in advance to allow time for all transfers to clear.

Packing takes time, so do it over days. This way, you’ll have time to reflect on the wisdom of your packing choices and alter them if need be. Also, ensure you are up to date with any laundry washing that needs to be done to have a whole wardrobe available to choose from.

If no one will be clearing your letterbox or housesitting for you, ensure that you suspend any paper deliveries to avoid making it completely obvious to opportunistic thieves that no one is home.

Have Fun!

Now it’s time to rest. Nothing is worse than stress on the way to the airport when you discover that you’ve forgotten to pack something or turn off the stove. Planning means less stress in the lead-up and more chance of enjoying your holiday because you’ll know that everything possible has been done.


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